15 Superfoods To Eat During Pregnancy

15 Superfoods To Eat During Pregnancy

Superfoods are foods with additional health advantages in addition to their nutritional value and are abundant in numerous essential micronutrients.

A good pregnancy diet should prioritize optimizing micronutrient density within a reasonable caloric consumption. Incorporating these 15 best foods for pregnancy into the daily diet will help women achieve their objectives.

Blackstrap Molasses

1. Blackstrap molasses

  • Blackstrap molasses is a rich source of iron and calcium for pregnant women who need to supplement their diet and is considered the best food for pregnancy.
  • Additionally, it is rich in magnesium and many trace minerals.
  • Molasses, which have a deep, sweet flavor, can be substituted for honey or sugar in herbal tea or baked products.
  • It has a lower glycemic index than honey or sugar, making it a smart choice for managing gestational diabetes and maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

2. Pumpkin Seeds

  • Pumpkin seeds, often known as pepitas, are commonly dehulled and roasted. These tiny green seeds are rich in iron, magnesium, and numerous other essential trace minerals.
  • Similarly to other nuts and seeds, they are an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which are frequently lacking in the average diet.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for foetal brain and ocular development.
  • Pumpkin seeds without salt make a terrific snack on their own.
  • In addition, they make an excellent crispy topping for roasted squash soup.

3. Hummus

  • The ingredients of hummus include garbanzo beans, tahini, garlic, and olive oil. Use it as a dip for raw vegetable sticks or as a substitute for mayonnaise to give sandwiches a new, healthy flavour.
  • Hummus is a high-protein, low-fat food.
  • Hummus has a very low glycemic load; adding hummus to foods with a greater glycemic load, such as bread or crackers, will reduce the overall meal's influence on your blood sugar.
  • This makes it a good diet and one of the best food for pregnancy for treating gestational diabetes and limiting its complications.

4. Eggs


How do expectant mothers determine which eggs to purchase from the supermarket's extensive selection? It is a fallacy that brown eggs are more healthy; yet, studies have shown that chickens reared on pasture produce eggs with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. This is due to the fact that the diet of the chickens affects the composition of their eggs. Because these birds have been fed flaxseed, krill oil, or other sources of omega-3s, eggs labeled "Omega-3 eggs" or "DHA eggs" do contain higher omega-3s. The same effect occurs when pregnant women consume these items! Eggs are sometimes criticized for the cholesterol they contain, however, developing fetuses require cholesterol (and so do mothers.)

5. Lentils

  • Lentils, which are rich in protein and fibre and low in fat, are another pregnancy superfood.
  • Iron, folate, and all of the important trace minerals and B vitamins are abundant in lentils.
  • When cooked, the red ones become quite tender, making them ideal for creamy soups.
  • The green lentils, often known as French lentils, remain firm when cooked. When combined with chopped vegetables and a vinaigrette dressing, these ingredients make for delicious salads.

6. Avocados

  • Healthy fats are brain-building superfoods and one of the best food for pregnancy. Avocado is a pregnancy superfood because it is high in monounsaturated fats and also contains some plant-based saturated fats.
  • One avocado provides approximately a third of the recommended daily dose of folate, and it is highly bioavailable.
  • Additionally, avocados are rich in carnitine and potassium. 

7. Hemp protein powder

  • Using a protein powder is an easy approach to ensure that pregnant women get adequate protein.
  • Hemp protein is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, contains all essential amino acids, and is rich in zinc, iron, and magnesium.
  • When blended with almond milk or orange juice, or blended with berries and other ingredients to create a smoothie, hemp protein can be utilized as a quick and easy meal replacement.
Almonds Spread

8. Almond spread

  • Almond butter is a great source of protein.
  • As with all nuts, almond butter is abundant in vitamin E, B vitamins, iron, calcium, and magnesium.
  • To break up the monotony of peanut butter, substitute almond butter.

9. Oatmeal

  • Oatmeal is the best food for pregnancy due to its high fibre and complex carbohydrate content.
  • In addition to zinc and magnesium, oatmeal is rich in these minerals.
  • Although slow-cooked steel-cut oats give the most fibre, quick oatmeal is still an alternative.

10. Edamame

  • The Japanese phrase for fresh, boiling soybeans is edamame. Typically, these tasty green pods are supplied gently salted and frozen.
  • As an excellent source of protein and fibre, edamame is a pregnancy superfood.
  • Like all soy foods, edamame is an excellent source of B vitamins, including folate.
  • One cup of edamame contains an entire day's worth of folate, in addition to zinc, copper, magnesium, and iron. These delectable small beans are also rich in zinc, copper, and magnesium.

11. Peas

  • Peas, including frozen peas, snow peas, and baby pea-in-the-pod English shelling peas, are an excellent option for pregnant women.
  • Peas are a wonderful source of plant-based protein and calcium, magnesium, and folate.
  • Proteins derived from plants are essential because they can replace pro-inflammatory animal proteins and are easily absorbed by the body.

12. Spinach

  • Spinach is one of the healthiest and the best foods for pregnancy and contains the highest concentration of micronutrients per calorie.
  • A single one-cup portion of spinach contains more than one day's worth of vitamin A and vitamin K, as well as approximately one day's worth of folate.
  • Additionally, spinach is rich in iron, magnesium, and calcium.

13. Greek yogurt

  • Greek yogurt contains more protein than normal yogurt, making it an excellent pregnancy food. Pregnant women require approximately 50 percent more protein than non-pregnant women.
  • Additionally, yogurt contains probiotics or good microorganisms.
  • Probiotics are pregnancy superfoods because these helpful bacteria help overcome harmful bacteria, hence reducing the risk of preterm labor, prenatal infection, eczema, and allergy in infants up to five years later.

14. Figs

  • Figs provide dietary fiber, calcium, and magnesium. They are also rich in manganese, an essential trace mineral for our natural antioxidant systems.
  • The combination of fiber and magnesium makes figs an excellent choice for pregnant women who suffer from constipation.

15. Sardines

  • Sardine is one of the few sources of vitamin D in the diet. Additionally, sardines are abundant in B-12, calcium, and selenium.
  • Sardines are an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Over 300 mg of these anti-inflammatory necessary fatty acids are provided by two sardines.

Due to their small size and low position on the food chain, sardines have less mercury and other pollutants than larger fish. This makes them an excellent selection for pregnant women.

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