What Causes Neck Strains & Neck Sprains
In most of the cases, neck strains & neck sprains are caused by an injury to the neck. This injury might be the result of an accident or excess pressure being put on the head/neck. The caused strain or sprain (stretch) occurs in one or more tissues of the neck due to a sudden movement, causing the neck to bend or twist in an unexpected way. Other than that, the following are some of the possible causes for it.
- Poor posture: In circumstances where the head is held or tilted toward an angle for too long, the muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues of the neck can get overstretched, causing strain or sprain. This might be the result of having poor posture at a desk job, sleeping in inappropriate positions, looking down using a phone for a while, and more.
Lifting a heavy object: Lifting weights, heavy objects, or being engaged in strenuous activities puts too much pressure on the neck muscles, straining them.
- Sudden collision or fall: Due to a sudden collision or fall, your head and spine might move too quickly, causing strain in the neck. Instances include auto accidents, sports injuries, etc. that require the support of a foam neck brace.
- New activity: Getting engaged in an activity for the first time might put extra pressure on the muscles, increasing the risk of straining. This is most commonly seen in athletes who are more susceptible to muscle strains, specifically at the beginning of their training sessions.
- Age-based wear down: Your spine keeps on wearing down as you age. Due to it, you might face issues like spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, and bone spurs, causing neck pain.
Diseases: Certain diseases and ailments like rheumatoid arthritis, tumors, cysts, meningitis, and osteoporosis may also be the reason for neck strains & sprains.
Symptoms Of Neck Strains & Sprains
The symptoms of neck strains & neck sprains that you might face would be based on the severity of the issue. These often restrict your ability to continue with daily activities like getting dressed, wearing shoes, commuting somewhere, etc. While products like a neck support belt are there, symptoms must be identified as early as possible to find a reliable treatment for them. Have a look at the range of signs that denote you are having the issue of neck strains or sprains.
Muscle spasms: You might feel muscle tightness or spasms in the neck and upper shoulder area,
making it harder for you to move your head.
- Tenderness: Tenderness or swelling in the neck (injury site) might be there, signaling a possibility of neck strain or sprain.
- Headache: You might experience a headache, especially in the back part of the head.
- Pain: A mild or severe pain might be there in the neck that might not appear right away after the injury but goes on worsening and aggravating over time, especially while holding or moving the head in a single position for a while.
- Stiffness: Neck stiffness might be there, due to which you might find it difficult to move your neck in one or more directions, limiting your range of motion.
- Other symptoms: Besides the above symptoms, you might experience issues like weakness in the arms or hands, numbness, tingling, irritability, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, or difficulty focusing.
Self-Care Tips For Neck Strains Or Neck Sprains
Although neck strains and neck sprains might take a serious toll on your health, generally they go away on their own. For cases taking a more serious turn, certain self-care tips can be followed that are proven to have working effects for this neck-related concern. The following are some of them:
- Medication: After consulting a certified healthcare professional, you can take OTC pain relievers like naproxen, acetaminophen, aspirin, and ibuprofen. Taking them would help you alleviate the pain and carry on with your routine.
- Stretches and exercises: As a part of physical therapy, you can also go with doing stretches and exercises to enhance the strength and flexibility in your neck. For it, have a physical therapist alongside you and follow the given instructions regarding what stretches and exercises you need to follow exactly.
- Hot and cold therapy: Opt for the ice and heat therapy that would help you reduce inflammation and soothe the sore muscles. Begin with applying ice for the first 48 to 72 hours and then go for taking a warm shower or using a hot compress or a heating pad.
- Massage: Either go for a professional massager or ask any of you known to give you a gentle massage on the sore and painful areas.
- Correcting posture: Make it a habit to maintain the right posture while sitting, walking, using the phone, or doing any other task that could result in a bad posture.
- Ergonomic workplace: For those having a sitting job, try making your workplace more ergonomic to prevent your neck from facing excess pressure.
Wrapping Up
It’s never a wise decision to ignore neck-related issues, especially when they're related to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the neck, as in the case of neck strains & sprains. You might be overlooking the cruciality that your neck carries until you are having trouble going along with your daily activities due to neck-related issues. That’s why healthcare professionals suggest looking for reliable treatment as soon as you face any such complexity. Doing so will save you from the inconvenience that would be there if the problem of neck strains & sprains persists for a while. Brands like SNUG360 are always there, doing their best to educate people about such health ailments and provide effective healthcare medical products.