Are you experiencing pelvic pain during pregnancy? As your body develops, your muscles stretch and your hormones fluctuate, aches and pains are common.
We know from experience that pelvic pain can be extremely acute, rendering some pregnant women nearly incapable of functioning. Additionally, some pelvic sensations, even if they are not unpleasant, can generate anxiety.
Pelvic discomfort associated with pregnancy is of no concern. It is comforting to know that pelvic pain is prevalent among pregnant women. As your ligaments stretch, your hormones fluctuate rapidly, and your organs make room for the increasing uterus, it seems sensible that you are experiencing discomfort that you did not earlier.
Causes of Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy:

What causes pelvic discomfort during pregnancy?
Pregnancy dramatically affects the pelvic region. In addition to separating to allow your child to pass through during labour, it must also sustain the additional weight of a growing baby as your abdomen expands.
In addition to the actual pelvic bones, your lower abdomen and pelvic region are quite active. Due to the location of the uterus, the growth of the baby, and the stretching of the muscles, ligaments, and skin, it is common for pregnant women to have unusual sensations in this area.
Several common, less serious illnesses may cause pelvic pain during pregnancy. Most often, pelvic discomfort is caused by the gap your body makes to facilitate the passage of your baby through your pelvis during labour.
Most Common Causes of Pelvic Pain during Pregnancy:
- The rapid development of both the foetus and uterus.
- Dysfunction of the pubic symphysis. This is the inflammation and pain caused by joint movement during and after pregnancy.
- Pressure from your baby's weight.
- As a result of the hormone relaxin, ligaments become more flexible. This will loosen the ligaments and joints in your pelvis, making it ready for labour.
Common Locations of Pelvic Pain
As a woman's body prepares for childbirth, she may experience pelvic pain. Occasionally, the discomfort in the pelvis might migrate to other places of the body.
Consequently, you may suffer pain and discomfort in the following body areas during your pregnancy:
- Over the centre of one's pubic bone
- Near the base of the spine
- Inside of the perineum
- Involving the thighs
Tips to Prevent Pelvic Pain:

If you experience pelvic discomfort, you need to do everything in your power to help yourself feel better. Keep in mind that the things that work well for one person might not work well for another. The following are some recommendations for avoiding or reducing the severity of pelvic pain and discomfort:
- Carry out your workout in the water. Aside from giving you the sensation that you are not carrying any weight, the buoyancy of the water will assist you to prevent injuries caused by exercising while pregnant because of the increased strain that pregnancy places on your joints. For expecting mothers who are interested in maintaining their fitness level, swimming laps and participating in aqua aerobics are two terrific possibilities.
- You should consider pelvic physiotherapy if you want to improve the muscles in your pelvic floor, stomach, back, and hips.
- When dealing with pelvic pain, it may be helpful to make use of assisting items such as crutches and a maternal support belt.
- An ice pack applied directly over the pelvic joints can help reduce swelling.
- Do not put undue pressure on yourself to suffer through the pain. If your discomfort becomes more severe, it may take some time until it completely disappears.
A few points to consider about the use of pregnancy support belts for pelvic pain are as follows:
Both the woman and the doctor will face challenges that are unique to pregnancy. Your body will go through several physical changes before, during, and after pregnancy. The majority of pregnant women suffer from a variety of discomforts, the most common of which are back pain, hip pain, and pelvic pain.
What exactly is a pregnancy support belt for pelvic pain? Just so you know, in case you were wondering. During pregnancy and after delivery, clothing that is stretchy and supportive, with the ability to lower the back and support the abdomen. Because pregnancy support belts require a prescription to be purchased, it is important for women who are considering wearing one to first discuss the matter with their primary care provider.
During pregnancy, women who used pelvic support belts often for small periods said that the amount of pain was reduced and that it became more bearable to carry out everyday duties. If you want to strengthen your abdominal muscles after giving birth, one option you should consider is using a belly band. It provides essential comfort by subtly bolstering your back, thighs, and stomach in the appropriate places.
After utilising the product, you will observe an improvement in blood circulation as well as more active legs and feet. We do not doubt that you would recommend it to family members and friends who are expecting children.
Pelvic Pain Pregnancy Exercises
These exercises can be helpful in both pain management and pain prevention. It shouldn't be uncomfortable or painful to perform them at any point. For each stretch, your goal should be to hold it for five to ten seconds and then repeat it four to five times.
If you are feeling any discomfort, you should proceed with the exercises more cautiously. Reduce the distance you stretch and the amount of time you hold the stretch for.
Pelvic Tilting
If you have a lot of lower back pain or stiffness, this is an excellent approach to stretching your lower back and pelvis because it targets both of those areas. Before beginning some of the other exercises, you should complete this one first because it serves as a good warm-up. You might find a chair, exercise ball, or birthing ball to be useful.
1. Take a seat in a chair, on a gym ball, or even a birthing ball.
2. Maintain as much curvature in your lower back as you can while sitting as tall as you can.
3. Then assume the most slouched position possible, rolling back onto your tailbone.
Pelvic Circles
Flexibility around the hips and the pelvis can be increased with the help of this exercise. To begin, limit the amount of movement you perform, and gradually build up to a point where you are no longer uncomfortable. You will need a gym or birthing ball.
1. Take a seat on a birthing or gym ball.
2. Make a circle with the ball beneath you in a particular direction.
3. Switch places and go in a new direction.
Stretching the Inner Thighs
This will assist in maintaining hip movement, which will be beneficial to you throughout the birth of your kid. Your inner thigh muscles will benefit greatly from this stretch as well. During pregnancy, they frequently become restrictive and cause pain in the pubic region.
1. Take a seat on the edge of the chair or the bed.
2. Put as much space as possible between your feet while you walk.
3. Put your hands on the inside of your knees, and while keeping your legs relaxed, gently push your knees further apart using your hands.
4. You ought to get a pleasant stretch in the muscles on the inside of your thighs.
Child's Pose Stretch

This can help relieve discomfort in the buttocks, pelvis, and low back.
1. Get down on your knees either on the floor or on your bed.
2. Place your buttocks on top of your heels; placing a pillow in the space between your knees might make this position cosier.
3. Spread your knees apart to create more room for your bump.
4. Keep your bum on your heels.
5. You should try to reach as far forward with your hands as is comfortable for you; if you find this difficult, you can lean on some pillows for support.
6. You can do it the other way also. Stretch either of your sides by adopting the child's stance and performing the stretches. If you suffer pain on one side of your back, pelvic, or groyne, this may be useful for you.
- Relax into a child's posture and do some stretching.
- Reach your right hand over your left arm and you will feel a stretch in your right side.
- To lengthen the left side, you must switch sides.
Lower Tummy Exercises
Your abdominal muscles will assist you in lifting and supporting your child as they get heavier. Because of this, the tension on your back and pelvis may be reduced.
1. Place your hands on your lower stomach, just below your belly button, to get a sense of the muscles there.
2. Take a normal, deep breath in.
3. As you exhale, use the momentum of your exhalation to gently draw in your abdominal muscles and move them away from your hands.
4. You should make an effort to keep the muscles working for a count of ten seconds, and you must keep breathing during the exercise.
During pregnancy, it is not uncommon to have pelvic pain and discomfort due to the many physiological changes that are taking place in your body. Because of the shift in your centre of gravity, the added weight, the hormones, and the stretched muscles, you may feel a variety of strange sensations in your pelvic region, some of which may even be unpleasant.